5 Best Places to Visit for Holi Celebration 2022 in India
If you are planning for Holi Celebration 2022 in India and memorable then you must consider these most popular destinations in India.
Holi in India is popular all over the world and attracts millions of tourists from different parts of the world. This festival is eagerly anticipated and celebrated with great zeal, is a festival that paints not only the skin but also hearts with colors of joy. The top tourist destinations in India to celebrate Holi welcome you with unmatched enjoyment and festive zeal. Add these places to your bucket list as per the experiences you want to have.
Five best cities you can consider for the Holi celebration in India
- Vrindavan, Muthara, Utter Pradesh
Holi is highly popular in Mathura for various reasons. When it comes to the Holi celebration, Mathura comes in the top position in the list. It is said that Holi is originated here.
Mathura is a popular pilgrimage destination for believers, especially around Holi, because it is the birthplace of Lord Krishna and the location where some evidence of His miracles can be found. Vrindavan’s Banke Bihari Temple’s as being a part of these celebrations is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
- Jaipur, Rajasthan
No doubt, Jaipur is definitely one of the nicest destinations in India to celebrate Holi. It’s not just the people of Jaipur’s passion that makes the city a pleasant place to celebrate Holi, but also Rajasthan Tourism’s effort to prepare a unique event for all guests from different parts of the world.
Rajasthani folk dance, musical performances, and a festive meal are all part of this event. You can attend an event even if you are not a hotel guest. With Jaipur tour packages, you can experience Holi in different areas in Jaipur.
- Delhi
Holi in Delhi is a joyous occasion that turns the metropolis into a colorful rally. Colored water balloons are tossed around, pichkaris spray paint, and clouds of gulal transform the city into a vibrant landscape.
If you’re looking for a place to celebrate Holi in Delhi, the Holi Moo Festival (formerly known as the Holi Cow Festival) is one option.
- Pushkar, Rajasthan
Pushkar, Rajasthan’s famous holy town, celebrates Holi with vigor and zeal. Pushkar’s main square hosts a big party with live music and colorfully attired revelers. The excitement is heightened by the addition of bhang thandai and lassi.
The scene of colored bombs being flung at one another in order to make the most of the day. On the Rajasthan tour packages, you will be able to enjoy the joyful delights of the environment.
- Udaipur
Do you want to witness the Holi celebration 2022 in royal style? Udaipur is the right place for you. The Holika Dahan begins with the lighting of a ceremonial bonfire in the royal palace’s courtyard by the local Maharaja.
MewarHolikaDahan is a well-known name for it. Around the bonfire, the locals conduct a Gair dance. The royals are seated atop bedecked elephants, camels, and horses in this parade, which you can see on the Udaipur tour packages.